Circle Square Digital Health Trends – October 2022

Imogen Fitt headshot
Imogen Fitt
Published: November 3, 2022 In The News

3rd November 2022 – Contribution by Imogen Fitt – Featured in Circle Square Digital Health Highlights October Newsletter.


Healthcare analytics

Tempus leads the healthcare analytics sector this month with a massive $275m venture round ($1.2b total) and a $75m partnership deal with GSK. And digital pathology is up this month with KLAS Research finding leaders in the US market and Signify Research reporting optimistically about increased partnering in a fragmented multi-segment market.

Digital pathology in the US is in early stages of adoption

US adoption and use.

Of the 33 pioneering organizations surveyed that are live with digital pathology, 21 are using it for primary diagnostic purposes.

13 of the interviewed organizations that are not yet live (including several large health systems) report plans to adopt digital pathology within the next two years, indicating a quickening trend toward broader market adoption.

Image management systems.

Top selection criteria include ease of use and workflow (65%) and integration of LIS, scanner, AI, and EHR (53%).

Leica and Philip lead in the busy IMS market.


Top selection criteria include image quality (71%) and speed, throughput, efficiency (63%).

Leica and Philips scanners are selected most frequently with their own IMS; Hamamatsu, Roche and 3DHISTECH are most common for third-party pairings.

Artificial intelligence solutions.

Top selection criteria include integration (68%, algorithms offered (50%), ease of use and workflow (50%).

Visiopharm and Paige lead in mindshare in a largely undecided ai market.

Editorial: In partnership with the Digital Pathology Association (DPA), KLAS surveyed 55 provider orgs to assess the state of digital pathology in the US. 33 orgs were live with digital
pathology, others still implementing; The table above focuses on the market leaders for image mgmt, scanning, and AI. Leica and Philips are addressing all segments. KLAS is making its
2019 report on digital pathology basics available at no cost at the link below. Imogen Fitt, an analyst at Signify Research, attended PathVisions 2022 industry event and reports a trend
towards partnership, cooperation, and open integration. She cites the biggest challenge is proving the ROI for workflow improvements. Her view is linked below.

Imogen Fitt Source.

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