Diagnostic and Life Science

Market intelligence and detailed insights on the Diagnostic and Life Science markets. Coverage includes digital pathology, oncology, laboratory information systems, real-world data, telepathology and more.



Market Intelligence Reports
30 Sep 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Market Reports
Laboratory Information Systems – World – 2024
This is the second iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Laboratory Information...
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Sep 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Market Reports, Market Reports
Oncology IT – World – 2024
This is the second iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Oncology IT including:...
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Aug 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports
Digital Pathology – World – 2024
This is the third iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Digital Pathology, including Whole Slide Imaging Scanners, Viewing and Image Management Software, Image Analysis Software, and related Services publishing in July 2024.
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Apr 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Market Reports
Digital Precision Medicine – World – 2024
This is a proposal for a new Market Report on the global market for Digital Precision Medicine, to be published in May 2024.
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Market Intelligence Reports
28 Apr 2023: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports
Digital Pathology – World – 2023
This is the third iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Digital Pathology,...
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Nov 2022: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Health, Market Reports, Market Reports
Real-World Data – World – 2022
This is the first iteration of our Market Report on the global market for data unification...
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24 Jul 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology 2024 Predictions Review – Episode 1
We're now more than halfway through 2024, and there's been a lot happening in digital pathology, so I thought I'd take a moment to review my predictions made earlier this year and offer some insight into where we’re at and how recent developments might impact the future.
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08 Jul 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology News Round Up – June 2024
Hello everyone, for those who attended, I hope you had a great time at ECDP!
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21 Jun 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Business Analytics – Why does your LIMS/ LIS need it?
Laboratory information management systems (LIMS) and Laboratory information systems (LIS) are software solutions designed to manage sample and patient data respectively.
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04 Jun 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology News Round-Up – May 2024
Here is May’s update for the digital pathology community. We start with 3DHISTECH - The Digital Pathology Company announcing the launch of its 'P480 2nd Generation Scanner'.
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24 May 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Healthcare IT, Market Reports
How Should Healthcare Technology Vendors Invest in Precision Medicine?
Digital precision medicine is a spectrum, which in our infographic we have illustrated in a pyramidPrecision medicine as a concept exists along a spectrum; as more data is used to inform a patient’s journey we advance further and further into true ‘personalisation’.
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22 Apr 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
USCAP 2024 – Digital Pathology at the Tipping Point
22nd April 2024, USCAP’s annual meeting is one of the largest annual gatherings of pathologists globally, so when landing in Baltimore this year for the 113th event, we were eager to connect with industry leaders old and new to discuss their take on the ‘pulse’ of the conference and what it meant for the future of clinical pathology.
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