Circle Square Digital Health Trends – January 2023

Bhvita Jani headshot
Bhvita Jani
Published: February 6, 2023 In The News

6 February 2023 – Contribution by Bhvita Jani – Featured in Circle Square Digital Health Trends – January 2023

Hologic leads the global breast imaging market, forecast to reach $1.3b by 2026

Bottom line: the global breast imaging market will exceed $1.3b by 2026
Inflation and supply chain issues will contract market revenue 9% in 2022

Evolving market dynamics
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is set to grow in developed economies (not in US where its use is prominent) Outside of mammography, there are two notable trends in the breast imaging market: the continued importance of ultrasound and the accelerating integration of AI software China, plans to image 90% of eligible women by 2030

The competitive landscape for breast imaging vendors
The breast imaging tools market, focused on AI, is now $200m with Hologic and iCAD accounting almost three-quarters
Hologic is the market leader with over 40% share and GE, Siemens, and Fujifilm in growth mode

Market outlook
In the medium term, the growing adoption of 3D mammography and AI tools will reshape the market landscape; Full field digital mammography (FFDM) will remain the largest market segment by 2026
Two main trends have emerged in reporting: (1) the replacement of standalone breast reporting workstations and consolidated breast reporting applications; (2) growing proportion of non
emergency imaging being conducted in non acute settings

Editorial: Signify Research reports that the breast imaging market in 2022 is not yet free of the turmoil induced by the Covid 19 pandemic. Backlogs in breast cancer scre ening and rising costs, remain pressingconcerns for healthcare systems around the world. Analysts note that breast cancer was the most common type globally with 12% of all new cases . Governments in developed economies are expanding access to breast imaging for screening purposes. Improving the accuracy of breast imaging equipment is also of central importance for healthcare providers, supporting improved treatment quality and cost efficiency of services.