How Should Technology Vendors Help Steer the Digital Pathology Revolution?

Imogen Fitt headshot
Imogen Fitt
Published: June 13, 2023 In The News

13th June 2023 – Imogen Fitt – Featured on

Digital pathology (DP) adoption is continuing to scale dramatically, with the global market reporting growth of 37.3%, 31.4% and 27.3% over the last three consecutive years, as shown in Figure 1.

Such growth is, however, relatively new to a market which has been around for decades and only recently started to accelerate in both research and clinical domains.

This is mainly attributable to the effects of COVID-19 in 2020 and the ‚”stay-at-home orders‚” that followed, which prompted an unprecedented shift to remote workflows for pathologists. This served to accentuate the value of DP inherent in utilising digital images for at-home-review and cross-site collaborations; however, what it did not do was address, or even mitigate, the issues previously preventing growth for many years.