Manav Patel

Market Analyst

Manav joined Signify Research in 2023, as part of the healthcare IT team, focusing on Imaging IT. He holds a first-class BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Warwick where he completed an industrial placement in a clinical diagnostics lab. Outside of work, Manav has a passion for working out and tinkering with cars.

The latest from Manav Patel

30 May 2024: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Opportunities for Growth in the Imaging IT Market
The global imaging IT market grew by 5.5% in 2023 to exceed $5.5bn; positively, vendors also reported strong pipelines for all core imaging IT products.
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26 Mar 2024: Healthcare IT
HIMSS 2024: The Evolution of Cloud and the Role of Education
The Signify Research team had the pleasure of attending HIMSS 2024 in Orlando. Conversations in imaging informatics varied, from renewed interest in VNAs and the potential of enterprise imaging, to evaluating how reporting will evolve short and mid-term, and most evidently – cloud adoption.
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Market Intelligence Reports
31 May 2024: Healthcare IT, Imaging IT, Imaging IT - Market Intelligence Service, Market Intelligence Services, Medical Imaging
Imaging IT – Core Report – World 2024
Signify Research's global imaging IT report, which provides 2023 market analysis for radiology IT (PACS, RIS, EI), cardiology IT (CV-PACS, CVIS, Hemo Reporting, CV-EI), VNA, Image Exchange, Universal Viewers, Advanced Visualisation IT and Operational Workflow and Business Intelligence Tools for radiology.
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Market Intelligence Reports
05 Oct 2023: Healthcare IT, Imaging IT, Imaging IT - Market Intelligence Service, Imaging IT - Market Intelligence Service - 2023, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports, Medical Imaging
Imaging IT – Market Opportunities for Enterprise Imaging – 2023
This topical report assesses the market opportunity for enterprise imaging. Detailed analysis and...
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