Despite a dip in 2021 infusion pump revenue growth forecast through to 2026

Publication Date: 04/01/2023

Cranfield, UK, January 2023 – The market for infusion pumps is estimated to have been worth $2.1 billion in 2021, falling slightly from 2020 revenues according to a new report from Signify Research. Overall demand increased in 2020, with most focus on infusion pumps that could help in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Despite the market decline in 2021, purchasers are now reassessing their solutions to ensure digital infusion pumps are connected to support clinical decision making and improve patient safety. As such, the demand for associated infusion software is on the up, with the combined market for infusion pumps, dedicated sets and infusion software projected to reach $7.2 billion in 2026.

Product trends:

In 2020, the global infusion pump market saw opposing trends across product categories. Large volume infusion, syringe infusion, and enteral feeding pumps saw most significant uplift in demand to help in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. However, those solutions utilised in post-operative pain management such as patient controlled analgesic (PCA) and disposable ambulatory infusion pumps saw a fall in demand due to fewer surgical procedures. Jumping forward to 2021, and this dynamic swapped sides, with increased demand for solutions utilised in surgical procedures driving market growth for PCA and disposable ambulatory infusion pumps. While signify projected growth to have returned for all segments in 2022, PCA and disposable ambulatory enjoyed more success for the same reasons as 2021. Growth in other segments was also to some extent further driven by inflation.

During the pandemic, component supply became a bottleneck in the manufacture of several medical devices. The vast country lock downs seen during the pandemic, especially in China, reduced the availability of specific components and subsequently delayed the supply of some infusion solutions. As of 2022, inflation is the highest it has been in decades, with many vendors now having to raise prices to remain profitable. As such, a short-term increase in average selling price has been projected for the infusion pump market to counterbalance rising production costs and supply constraints.

Regional Trends:


  • There is greater preference for large volume infusion pumps in the North and Latin American regions. The Americas region accounted for around 60% of global large volume infusion pumps in 2021.
  • In 2020, the level of uptake of infusion solutions in the US was lower than that seen in the Western European regions. The reduction in non-essential surgical procedures impacted demand for infusion, resulting in an overall decline in revenues in 2020 and 2021. The US market has also made significant progression toward integrated solutions with most pumps now connected to the EMR and clinical information systems. However, with increasing use of integrated software within infusion pumps, the US market has faced several significant recalls in recent years, including those from the leading pump vendors BD and Baxter Healthcare. This has subsequently placed jeopardy on the supply of these solutions.
  • Most countries in Latin America are price-sensitive; the comodato market model is well established here. During the pandemic, the supply of dedicated infusion sets was affected, with many manufacturing sites impacted by the various national lockdowns. Many countries were also able to utilise capital revenues to purchase new equipment as part of large governmental stimulus packages. As such, the number of pumps that were sold in 2020 increased compared to that in 2019. This proportion reverted to normal levels in 2021 and comodato will continue to be the preferred purchasing method through to 2026.


  • Demand for infusion solutions in the ICU in Western Europe increased in 2020, resulting in several emergency purchase tenders. Most notable demand was seen in Italy, France, Spain and the UK. The pandemic has resulted in a review of ICU facilities to improve the ratio of equipment to ICU beds. However, many fiscal packages have also come to an end, reducing budgets for healthcare. This will result in more cautious purchasing in the near-term, and a slowing down of revenue growth from 2024. The pandemic also highlighted the significant staff shortages; moving forward, demand for solutions that can improve workflow and efficiency will increase.
  • Similarly, to Latin America, comodato purchasing is present in Southern Europe and the UK and is continuing to spread to other countries. With budgets becoming increasingly restricted, product bundling is expanding to include software solutions in wider service plans and is expected to become more prominent in the Western Europe.
  • Despite being a sizeable market, developments to improve digital healthcare in Russia have been hampered by economic instability, with other solutions often prioritized first. The recent war in Ukraine has also resulted in a diversion of funding, halting developments to improve healthcare provisions in the short-term.

Asia Pacific:

  • The Japanese market accounts for the largest proportion of infusion pump revenues to the Mature Asia Pacific region. There is greater preference for large volume infusion pumps in Japan. The Government’s Health Care 2035 reform is expected to shift the country toward integrated care solutions, further sustaining demand for digitalised solutions that offer preventative care.
  • As part of Healthy China 2030, there is a gradual shift toward the provision of smart healthcare systems, with the promotion of smart hospitals. Improvements to IT systems are to be made to enhance the capacity to forecast and provide early warning, analysis and reporting tools. This is further driving demand for digital infusion pumps here.
  • The Asia Pacific region continues to be dominated by local Asian vendors, with Terumo and JMS taking a leading position within the large volume infusion market. Mindray currently has a smaller share, however with a broader clinical offering, they have been gaining market traction in recent years.

Future Outlook

Signify Research estimated that infusion pump revenues increased in 2022 following the decline seen in 2021 after the COVID-19 pandemic. The healthcare industry has received a massive shake-up; healthcare provision will be reviewed moving forward and inefficiencies will be identified. The interest in digital solutions to help improve patient care provision and ensure patient data is managed and utilised correctly will continue to create opportunity for new sales and installed base replacement. Single digit (5.6%) annual growth is projected for the global market for infusion pumps from 2022 through to 2026. Product preferences are changing, with increasing demand for solutions that improve infusion provision in the specific care setting they are required, this is reducing the divide between large volume and syringe pump preference across the regions. However, with purchasing becoming increasingly scrutinised, the movement toward comodato purchasing is expected to spread to all product types, with not only dedicated sets but software solutions bundled into wider OpEx purchasing service packages.

About the Report

“Infusion Pumps – World – 2022” provides a data-centric and global outlook of the infusion pumps, dedicated sets, and associated software markets. The report blends primary data collected from in-depth interviews with healthcare professionals and technology vendors, to provide a balanced and objective view of the market.

About Signify Research

Signify Research is an independent supplier of market intelligence and consultancy to the global healthcare technology industry. Our major coverage areas are Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging and Digital Health. Our clients include technology vendors, healthcare providers and payers, management consultants and investors. Signify Research is headquartered in Cranfield, UK. To find out more:, T: +44 (0) 1234 436 150,

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