Back to the future: Top themes from RSNA 2016

Publication Date: 19/12/2016

Written by

Simon Harris

Greeted with fiercely mild weather for late November/early December, the 102nd RSNA show already had the feel of being a bit different. Of course, there was the packed program of fascinating research and exhibition halls bursting with advanced imaging hardware and cutting-edge IT solutions. But there was also the growing feeling, perhaps spurred by the theme “Beyond Imaging,” that radiology is in a mode of transition.

This was perfectly exemplified near the entrance to exhibition hall B, where a radiology printed textbook stall was positioned next to an artificial intelligence software vendor. Amongst the glitz of RSNA, it’s easy to forget that much on show is a long way from having an immediate impact on the daily working practice of most radiologists, but it is a great chance to gauge where radiology is heading.

This is the opening extract of Steve’s regular monthly market column for AuntMinnie Europe.

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