EHR Top Level Summary Slide Deck

Publication Date: 26/01/2021

Signify Research has just (December 2020) published its latest research on the global EMR/EHR market. Click on the link below to download a complimentary top line summary slide deck which shares some of the report’s key results and in particular how COVID-19 impacted market growth in 2020.

Click here to download the top level summary findings.

The data in the summary leverages information from our full report. Key issues addressed in the full report include:

  • How are individual country markets developing in terms of EMR functionality?
  • To what extent is integrated care, departmental speciality, telehealth and wellness functionality being integrated into EMRs at a country level?
  • At a country level, who are the agencies procuring EMR solutions and are they buying at an individual hospital, provider network, cluster/regional or nationwide basis?
  • How important is it that vendors offer ambulatory and acute EMR solutions? How does this vary by country?
  • What market share do vendors have at a country, sub-region and vertical level?
  • What part does the integrated care agenda have to play in a country’s EMR market?
  • What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the EMR market?