Inpatient EHR Competitive Landscape and Market Trends within EMEA

Publication Date: 06/02/2023

6th February 2023 – The Inpatient EHR Market has undergone several changes recently, with the Covid-19 pandemic providing the conditions to catalyse development in many areas.

Signify Research has assessed the key factors expected to impact the EHR Competitive Landscape and Market Trends within selected EMEA countries in 2023. These have been highlighted in the complementary infographic below with a top-level summary covering the following countries: France, Italy, UK, DACH, Spain/Portugal and Saudi Arabia.

This infographic complements our recent Signify Premium Insight – Digital Health article – Inpatient EHR Competitive Landscape EMEA – which explores these trends in greater detail. If you are interested in receiving a free trial of our premium insight service and accessing the extended insight, please complete this form.

The infographic is a component of our EMR Market Intelligence – EMEA – 2022/23 Service, providing a snapshot of the research’s findings and critical regional trends. Our reports include an in-depth PDF document, an interactive Excel database and Q&A time with an expert analyst. Primary data is collected from interviews with technology vendors to provide a complete and balanced view of market trends.

Further insights are available via the Signify Premium Insights – Digital Health service, a market analysis subscription providing compelling thought leadership on the most pertinent developments in the digital health sphere. Combining Signify Research’s broad portfolio of market research across EMR / EHR, Integrated Care & Value-Based Care IT, Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth, alongside its wealth of analyst expertise.