VC Funding for Medical Imaging AI Companies Totals Almost $3.5 Billion Since 2015

Publication Date: 31/03/2022

Venture capital investment for companies developing medical imaging AI applications has totalled almost $3.5 billion since 2015. Despite the COVID-19 global pandemic, the appetite for investors has not abated, and 2021 was the record year with the most funding raised ($815 million). Most of the recent investment was targeted at companies from China.

This report covers:

  • The total funding, number of deals, and average size of deal since 2015.
  • Summary of the ‘100m club’ of vendors that have crossed the $100m threshold in terms of capital raised.
  • Summary of top five most funded companies in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia.
  • The type of investments and distribution of funding by region since 2015.
  • The distribution of medical imaging AI companies by funding and rank.

Summary of the Key Findings:

  • More than 200 companies are developing AI solutions for medical imaging.
  • The funding raised by medical imaging AI companies is almost $3.5 billion across 290 deals.
  • The average size of a funding deal for this period was $12.0 million, an increase of almost $3million since the last report.
  • Since 2015, companies from Asia have raised the most investment ($1.5 billion) followed by the Americas ($1.2 billion). Companies from EMEA have only raised just over $600 million.
  • Almost 80% of total investments raised by medical imaging AI companies is accounted for by the top 25 most funded companies.