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05 Jul 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
Healthcare Generative AI News Round-up – June 2024
I’m thrilled to share some of the most exciting developments in Generative AI (gen AI) in healthcare from the past month. With over 30 articles reviewed, I have curated my favourite ones for you...
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05 Jul 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
Unlocking Generative AI’s Healthcare Potential: Insights from Signify Research’s Q2 Product Database
Over the last 12 months, Signify Research has tracked generative AI (gen AI) product announcements in healthcare to understand the most prevalent use cases and those lacking traction.
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05 Jul 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
Generative AI Vendor Opportunities and Strategies in EMR & Digital Health
Generative AI will have a profound effect on healthcare, but which use cases are real and which ones are not, remains a question asked by healthcare technology vendors. This article will explore the opportunities and challenges of generative AI in EMR and Digital Health.
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05 Jul 2024: Digital Health
HIE Market to Hit $5bn by 2028
The Health Information Exchange (HIE) market exceeded $3bn in 2023, representing healthy revenue growth year-on-year, according to Signify Research’s new HIE market report.
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Signify Premium Insight
05 Jul 2024: Medical Imaging
SPI Medical Imaging: The Expanding Reach of AI
Signify Research’s AI in Medical Imaging - World - 2024 report demonstrates that, despite...
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Signify Premium Insight
04 Jul 2024: Digital Health, Digital Health, SPI Services
SPI Digital Health: Arcadia Makes its Latest Play in Population Health Management
At the end of this month, Signify Research will publish its Value-Based Care 2024 Report. The...
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Signify Premium Insight
03 Jul 2024: Medical Imaging
SPI Medical Imaging: GE HealthCare’s Strategic Reshuffle
In early June, GE HealthCare announced a shakeup in its leadership team and the structure of its...
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Signify Premium Insight
02 Jul 2024: Digital Health, Digital Health, SPI Services
SPI Digital Health: Oracle Health’s Clinical Digital Assistant Takes Sure and Steady Steps
Last week, Oracle Health made its Clinical Digital Assistant tool - the latest upgrade to its EHR -...
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Signify Premium Insight
02 Jul 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
SPI Generative AI: Allegheny Health Network Now Has a GenAI Sidekick
Having a tailored LLM could be very advantageous for a provider, but the territory also comes with...
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Signify Premium Insight
28 Jun 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
SPI Generative AI: Synapse Medicine Hopes to Make Treatment Planning Smarter
Synapse Medicine is bringing generative AI to treatment planning. Its new tool, Copilote Recos...
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Signify Premium Insight
28 Jun 2024: Digital Health
SPI Digital Health: Is ICB Tender a Sign England’s Population Health Market is Maturing?
One of England’s Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) has issued a tender calling for a population health...
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Signify Premium Insight
27 Jun 2024: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health
SPI Generative AI: Has LeanTaaS Gone One Better than a GenAI Co-Pilot?
LeanTaaS is looking to use generative AI to improve the operating efficiency of hospitals. Granting...
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