Flat panel detector market saw 4% increase in unit sales in 2020
2nd March 2022 – Written by Bhvita Jani & Graham Cooke – Featured in DotMed Healthcare Business News – The medical flat panel detector (FPD) market experienced a 4% increase in unit sales in 2020, reaching a market size of just under 70,000 units. However, the market revenues declined by almost 10%, equating to a market size of $2.1 billion USD. Market fluctuations echoed those seen in the X-ray modality markets, with static FPDs used primarily in fixed digital radiography (DR) rooms and mobile DR experiencing 10% year-on-year growth. Growth was driven by healthcare providers globally buying mobile X-ray systems for diagnosis of pneumonia as an indicator of COVID-19. Conversely, the market for dynamic panels, often used for fluoroscopy, surgical and interventional procedures, saw a sharp decline, with units falling by 18% from 2019 to 2020 as elective surgeries were postponed or cancelled.