Digital Precision Medicine – World – 2024

Publication Date: 30/04/2024

“Precision medicine is not a destination, it’s a spectrum achieved through the utilisation of digital information. There are many new and emerging technologies contributing to its evolution,
including cloud computing, generative AI and multi-omic analyses. As healthcare matures and starts curating structured datasets profiling an individual’s healthcare journey, a “bytes-tobedside”
approach will be integral to achieving precision medicine and ultimately raising the standard of care.”

– Imogen Fitt, Report Author

This is a qualitative study reviewing digital technology vendor strategies in precision medicine. Our study will enable readers to:

  • Identify the technologies and products set to drive growth in businesses, supporting you in prioritising specific market segments and developing your portfolio roadmap.
  • Evaluate the role HealthTech, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Payors will establish moving forward allowing you to determine which types of vendors you should monitor and collaborate with to
  • maintain a strong competitive understanding.
  • Assess between start-up and emerging vendors, how much opportunity there is in collaboration, allowing you to determine whether you need to acquire, form partnerships or build defensive
  • barriers to remain competitive over the coming years.