Imogen Fitt

Senior Market Analyst

Imogen joined Signify in 2018 as part of the Healthcare IT team. She holds a 1st class Biomedical Sciences degree from the University of Warwick. During her tenure Imogen has completed studies on digital pathology and the use of AI in drug development, expanding Signify Research’s coverage of clinical/preclinical markets. In her spare time she enjoys cultivating her interest in abstract theatre companies & popping to London to see a show.

The latest from Imogen Fitt

24 Jul 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology 2024 Predictions Review – Episode 1
We're now more than halfway through 2024, and there's been a lot happening in digital pathology, so I thought I'd take a moment to review my predictions made earlier this year and offer some insight into where we’re at and how recent developments might impact the future.
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08 Jul 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology News Round Up – June 2024
Hello everyone, for those who attended, I hope you had a great time at ECDP!
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04 Jun 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Digital Pathology News Round-Up – May 2024
Here is May’s update for the digital pathology community. We start with 3DHISTECH - The Digital Pathology Company announcing the launch of its 'P480 2nd Generation Scanner'.
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22 Apr 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
USCAP 2024 – Digital Pathology at the Tipping Point
22nd April 2024, USCAP’s annual meeting is one of the largest annual gatherings of pathologists globally, so when landing in Baltimore this year for the 113th event, we were eager to connect with industry leaders old and new to discuss their take on the ‘pulse’ of the conference and what it meant for the future of clinical pathology.
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Sep 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Market Reports
Laboratory Information Systems – World – 2024
This is the second iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Laboratory Information...
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Aug 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports
Digital Pathology – World – 2024
This is the third iteration of our Market Report on the global market for Digital Pathology, including Whole Slide Imaging Scanners, Viewing and Image Management Software, Image Analysis Software, and related Services publishing in July 2024.
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15 Jan 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
Signify Research’s Top 5 Predictions for Clinical Digital Pathology in 2024
As the new year begins, Signify Research’s Imogen Fitt shares her top 5 predictions for digital pathology in 2024. 
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29 Nov 2023: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
White Paper: AI in Digital Pathology’s Future: Cannibalisation, Commoditisation and Consolidation
Cranfield, UK – Artificial intelligence (AI) is the subject of much debate across...
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Market Intelligence Service
30 Aug 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service, Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Report Services, Market Intelligence Services, Marketing
Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service – 2024
This Market Intelligence Service provides a rolling 12-month coverage of the global Digital Pathology market.
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Apr 2024: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Market Reports
Digital Precision Medicine – World – 2024
This is a proposal for a new Market Report on the global market for Digital Precision Medicine, to be published in May 2024.
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13 Nov 2023: Diagnostics and Lifesciences, Digital Pathology Market Intelligence Service, Market Intelligence Services
Pathology Visions 2023 – The Digest
Another year celebrating a sold-out exhibition and attendee register, and Pathology Visions 2023 is now over. After speaking to >40 vendors at the show and attending multiple talks and presentations, Signify Research’s Imogen Fitt shares her thoughts below on what the conference’s discourse revealed about the digital pathology industry’s future…
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18 Sep 2023: Diagnostics and Lifesciences
How to Integrate AI into Digital Pathology
The clinical digital pathology (DP) market is now taking off, with a flood of new adopters expected over the next few years.
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