Sales of mobile x-ray systems slump in 2021 after COVID-19 boom

Published: January 4, 2022 In The News

23rd December 2021 – Written by Graham Cooke – Featured in – The fixed digital radiography market is expected to grow at 10% year-on-year in 2021, reaching $1.1 billion, while the fluoroscopy market will also experience good levels of growth at 8%, closing 2021 at $463.2 million.

These figures, taken from Signify Research’s “General Radiography & Fluoroscopy– World 2021” report, show an encouraging rebound after a challenging 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Demand switches from mobile to fixed radiography in 2021

The general radiography market grew by 12% in 2020, due to the exceptional demand for mobile radiography systems. The world market for mobile radiography systems is estimated to have increased by an impressive 77% year-on-year.