What is the ROI on AI adoption in radiology?

Dr Sanjay M Parekh headshot
Dr Sanjay M Parekh
Published: April 12, 2023 In The News

7th April 2023 – Sanjay Parekh – Featured on radiologybusiness.com

The business case for AI to make radiology workflows more efficient
Anyone who has attended the large RSNA or Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) meetings has seen PACS, enterprise imaging, workflow management and advanced visualization vendors adding complementary AI solutions that can enhance the radiology workflow. This includes AI for things like better organization of DICOM worklists in which critical findings may automatically move the exam to the top of the reading list, explained Sanjay Parekh, PhD, senior market analyst with Signify Research.

AI is also helping enable things like single-click marking of exams for follow-up for things like incident findings, automated measurements, automating things like anatomical countering and cardiac strain, or automatic ally calling up relevant priors for comparisons for tracking changes in tumors.

“It’s not just the image analysis, it’s also the workload balancing, the fleet management, or how do you get all these resources onto one platform to deliver value to the healthcare system, not just the radiologist” Parekh said. …