Amy Thompson

Research Manager

Amy joined Signify in 2020 as part of the Healthcare IT team, focusing on Imaging and Clinical IT. Prior to that, she brings four years’ experience as a Research Analyst; supporting business strategy and market sizing for Liaison Group, a company operating within the NHS. Interests outside of work include Crossfit, running and travelling.

The latest from Amy Thompson

08 Jul 2024: Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging AI Market Forecasted to Surpass $2 Billion by 2028
The medical imaging AI market was valued at over $700 million in 2023, an increase of more than $150 million 2022.
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Market Intelligence Service
27 Jun 2024: AI in Healthcare, AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports, Marketing, Medical Imaging
AI in Medical Imaging Company and Product Database 2024
A database showcasing US-FDA, CE-Mark and NMPA-approved medical imaging AI products as well as the...
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Market Intelligence Reports
31 Oct 2024: Clinical Care, Imaging IT, Market Reports, Market Reports, Medical Imaging, Modalities
Healthcare Workforce Database and Summary – World – 2024
The new Report and Database product, including a comprehensive assessment of the number of diagnostic and clinical professionals, by specialty, including regional and country-level coverage. Includes historical data for 2020 to 2023, and forecasts to 2028.
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Market Intelligence Reports
31 May 2024: Healthcare IT, Imaging IT, Imaging IT - Market Intelligence Service, Market Intelligence Services, Medical Imaging
Imaging IT – Core Report – World 2024
Signify Research's global imaging IT report, which provides 2023 market analysis for radiology IT (PACS, RIS, EI), cardiology IT (CV-PACS, CVIS, Hemo Reporting, CV-EI), VNA, Image Exchange, Universal Viewers, Advanced Visualisation IT and Operational Workflow and Business Intelligence Tools for radiology.
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Sep 2024: Imaging IT, Market Reports, Market Reports, Medical Imaging, Modalities
Diagnostic Imaging Procedure Volumes Database – World – 2024
The third edition of our Diagnostic Imaging Procedure Volumes Database, which includes a comprehensive assessment of the number of medical imaging procedures performed annually, with historical data for 2019 to 2022, and forecasts to 2027.
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Market Intelligence Reports
28 Jun 2024: AI in Healthcare, AI in Medical Imaging - Market Intelligence Service, Imaging IT, Market Intelligence Services, Market Reports, Market Reports, Medical Imaging
AI in Medical Imaging – World – 2024
The World Market Analysis 2024 report is the 7th edition of our highly detailed, datacentric analysis of the world market for medical imaging AI. Our market sizing and forecasts offers coverage across 8+ clinical applications, 20+ countries and the four main modalities.
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12 Feb 2024: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Commercialising Imaging Data: High Risk, High Reward for Imaging IT?
Momentum has been incrementally building towards initial customer education and the nascent establishment of the market for monetizing imaging data. While this is a concept that is by no means unexplored across healthcare and life sciences, proliferation has been confined primarily to patient registries, electronic health records and insurance databases so far.
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11 Dec 2023: Medical Imaging
Signify Research Medical Imaging 2023 Predictions Scorecard
Our team of top analysts have reviewed their beginning-of-year predictions for 2023 and provided a summary of how close our predictions were to manifesting in reality. 
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29 Nov 2023: Imaging IT, Medical Imaging
Video Discussion: Imaging IT Market Trends
We are excited to launch new video content to provide our expert insights through ever more accessible forms of media. As usual these market insights will highlight our Analysts takes on the developments within the healthcare tech arena.
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Market Intelligence Service
28 Jun 2024: AI in Healthcare, AI in Healthcare, AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Market Intelligence Report Services, Market Intelligence Services, Market Intelligence Services, Marketing, Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging
AI in Medical Imaging Market Intelligence Service – 2024
This Market Intelligence Service provides regular data, insights and analysis on the global market opportunity for AI-based medical image analysis.
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Market Intelligence Service
30 Sep 2024: Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Healthcare IT, Imaging IT, Imaging IT - Market Intelligence Service, Market Intelligence Report Services, Market Intelligence Services, Market Intelligence Services, Marketing, Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging
Imaging IT Market Intelligence Service – 2024
This Market Intelligence Service is an annual subscription that provides ongoing data, insights and analysis on the global opportunity for Imaging IT.
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Market Intelligence Reports
30 Nov 2023: Imaging IT, Market Reports, Medical Imaging
Teleradiology – World – 2023
This is the fourth edition of our Market Report on the global market for Teleradiology, published...
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