Handheld Ultrasound Market Deep Dive – World – 2022

Published 21/12/2022

This report deep dives into the handheld ultrasound market, focusing on the key trends and dynamics influencing this market. It provides handheld ultrasound market data at a more granular level than found in the core ultrasound equipment report.

By purchasing this report, you will be able to:

  • Learn about the global trends influencing the handheld ultrasound market, to assist with your strategy planning.
  • Understand the markets set to drive growth, allowing you to identify key growth opportunities.
  • Learn about your competitors, suppliers and potential partners.
  • Allow you to assess the performance of handheld ultrasound vendors at a country, sub-regional, and clinical application level.

The Handheld Ultrasound report is the third deliverable in our Ultrasound Market Intelligence Service 2022.

Despite the global challenges in 2022, the handheld ultrasound market is expected to continue to grow and strong annual growth is forecast for the rest of the forecast period. While handheld ultrasound is taking market share from compact ultrasound systems, the majority of the market growth will be driven by the use of handheld ultrasound by new user groups, such as nurses, EMTs and paramedics. AI solutions for real-time probe guidance, image capture support and image analysis will make the ultrasound technique easier to perform for novice users, but market education to raise awareness of the benefits of ultrasound as well as technical training on how to perform ultrasound scans will be the most important factors to increase the adoption of handheld ultrasound. This has started already, with ultrasound now taught in the medical school curriculum in the US and select other countries.