Study identifies drug design applications as main recipient of AI investment

Published: January 9, 2020 In The News

08th January 2020 – Written by Ulrik Kristensen, Ph.D – Featured in Drug Target Review – Research suggests that over half of the total $5.2bn investment for artificial intelligence in pharma went to drug design applications in 2019, but overall investment is slowing.

Research suggests that over half of the total $5.2bn investment for artificial intelligence in pharma went to drug design applications in 2019, but overall investment is slowing.

New research has revealed that while investment into artificial intelligence (AI) in pharma has reached $5.2 billion, it seems to be slowing down. With only four new companies created in 2019 and total investment decreasing by 23 percent from 2018, the market appears to be reducing.

The study, conducted by Market Analyst Ulrik Kristensen from Signify Research, focused on AI in three areas: drug design, information synthesis and clinical trials.